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Resources on various topics being worked on at IvLabs

Graph Representation Learning


  1. CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs This course, starts with a basic overiview of graph thoery before diving deep into all the significant development in GraphML field.

  2. Week 13 – Lecture: Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) This is not a course but rather a lecture by Xavier Bresson taken from NYU Deep Learning course. It will give brief insight about different methods in GraphML.

  3. Graph Neural Networks


  1. Graph Representation Learning
  2. Network Science

Blog Posts

  1. How to get started with Graph Machine Learning A perfect guide to get started in this field.

  2. A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Networks
  3. An Illustrated Guide to Graph Neural Networks
  4. Graph Neural Networks for Novice Math Fanatics

Research Papers

These repositiories have collection of graph representation learning papers.

  1. Awesome-Graph-Neural-Networks
  2. GNNPapers